Charles Chau

@ The A.I.R. Building | February 1-28, 2025

Charles is returning to Tokyo!

チャールズ・チヤウは、2023年11月 「When did you last kiss the clouds?」  (雲にキス:日本)  に続いて、2024年11月には最新の展覧会  「PURPLE moon」  (ロサンゼルス)  を予定しています。そして、2025年2月から、A.I.R.ビルディングのアーティスト・イン・レジデンスとして1ヶ月間東京で活動します。




SLIDING DOOR: a magical moment in life's delicate pivots when a single encounter, a fleeting glance or a chance conversation whispers a change in our path.

In the dance of destiny, let us cherish these fragile intersections — where the planned meets the unexpected — transforming seconds of the quotidian into an infinite array of possibilities.

Come celebrate with us one such moment on Friday, February 21, 2025 in an evening co-hosted by Kozeki (Kozo) Ryo, owner of the A.I.R. Building, and Charles Chau, artist-in-residence for the month of February in this charming little building in Nihonbashi.

Program 1
Opening | Art+Music Party

2025.02.21 Friday (金) | 6-11pm

Opening Event オープニングイベント

Conversation between an Architect and an Artist
One Leaf : A Thousand Stories


Time:              6.15-7PM
Place:              2F |  The A.I.R. Building
Speakers: Tomohisa Nagai 永井資久 + Charles Chau チャールズ・チャウ
Language: English + Japanese  英語 + 日本語

Book Party 書籍パーティー

Time: 7-9pm
Place: GF+ 2F + 3F  |  The A.I.R. Building 

Post-Party: Live Music Event 

Time: 9-10.30pm
Place: BF  |  The A.I.R. Building 

Program 2
Open Studio + Artist’s Tour
オープンスタジオ + イティスト本人によるガイドツアー

2025.02.22 Satursday (土) | 11am-4pm
2025.02.23 Sunday (日) | 11am-4pm

The artist will give two tours on each day of the Open Studio


Program 3
Private Viewing

2025.02.13 Thursday (木) 〜2025.02.19 Wednesday (水)

Contact for Special Viewings

Kozo Ryo @A.I.R. Building
03-6262-6476 |

Charles Chau 


クリックしてアーティストのチャールズ・チャウの YouTube チャンネルを視聴してください

Click to view artist's Charles Chau YouTube Channel

The A.I.R. Building


〒103-0023 Tokyo, Chuo City
Nihonbashihoncho 3 −2−8

GF — Cafe Pharmacy

Sunday-Monday 11am-5pm

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-11pm

Hours might differ per holidays and events

T: 03-6262-6475

Touch, Smell, Hear & Feel my works

「この本には僕の作品の、 手触り、香しさ、響き、心情が 込められている。」 


Editor:  Lianne Hackett     

近頃、画家たちにはほとんど余地がないと言われています。というのも、想像できるもの、描くことのできるものはすでにすべて描かれてしまっているからです。アーティストたちは、新人にはアートの世界が overcrowded (混雑している)と繰り返し思い知らされ、完全に閉ざされているかのように感じることが多いのです。




It has been said that there is little room for painters these days, as everything that can be envisioned and painted has already been imagined. Artists are continually reminded—and often discouraged—by the notion that the art world is overcrowded for newcomers and may even be entirely closed off to them.

In the realm of book publishing, the future appears no brighter, and perhaps even more grim, as younger generations increasingly move away from anything analogue. Everything is now fast—fast—fast; it’s all digital and minimal.

So, why would anyone still choose to paint or publish? One might assume they’ve lost their mind. Worse still, why would anyone choose to do both, which seems like "double jeopardy"?

Join artist and publisher Charles Chau at the A.I.R. Building, where he will discuss his unwavering affection for the tactile nature of paper and canvas, the unique aromas of inks and oils, and the sound and sensation of turning a page or standing close to a painting—inviting you to touch, smell, listen, and feel.

Please send general enquires to:

For North America, please send enquiries to Allison Thompson:

クリックしてアーティストのチャールズ・チャウの YouTube チャンネルを視聴してください

Click to view artist's Charles Chau YouTube Channel